Thursday, May 19, 2011

“Who Censored Rodger Rabbit” by Gary K. Wolf

I always loved the movie “Who Framed Rodger Rabbit” and I was really excited when one of my friends turned me onto the book. I thought that I was in for a comedy where the toon world and the real world mix together for a insane murder mystery. Well, there was nothing humorous about it. This story was much darker with the characters only loosely connect to the movie characters. It seemed that Touchstone Pictures found this concept to be interesting and purchased the idea and the rights to the use the characters. Other than that, there was no connection to the movie.

I enjoyed the book. I don’t know if it because now I am finding a new love for mystery’s (as I have never read a mystery book before) or it was because I truly enjoyed the story. The book was written is a style of film-nior to it which was a style that I had never experienced before. None of the characters I genuinely liked, but I think that made me want to figure out who the bad guy was even more. Some of the prime suspects where Roger widow, Jessica Rabbit, who had left him for no apparent reason about a month prior, his bosses, the DeGreasy brothers (one of which was Jessica’s old and once again current boyfriend), and his cartoon strip partners. 

So how do you kill a cartoon? 

You censor it.

In “Who Censored Roger Rabbit” Eddie Valliant (a private eye) is hired by Roger Rabbit to help investigate why the DeGreasy Brothers have kept him as a second rate star when they promised him his own comic strip and others have even been scouting Rodger for their own comics. As Valliant thinks that there is not much of a case, he loosely investigates the claims. In the mist of the investigation Roger is killed as well as one of the would- be prime suspects. Valliant’s guilt keeps him on the case after Roger’s death looking for his murderer. As Valliant investigates he comes across an unlikely helper that has always been interested in becoming a private eye.

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