Tuesday, February 7, 2012

“Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card

So after my stint with the hunger games, I was at a loss. I was quickly measuring all other books to the Hunger Games, and realized that Harry Potter was the only other book that gave me that kind of feeling. So in an attempt to quickly get the book out of my head I went over all of the books on my bookshelf, examining all of the books that I have and had not read. My sister found Ender’s Game on my shelf and said that perhaps that would be what I was looking for. And in a way it was.

Ender’s Game takes place in future United States.  Countries have come together to form a world government and regulations have been imposed to enforce population control. Ender was born a third (the last of three children) as a special circumstance to help breed a military genius that is supposed to save the world. The story takes place as they decision is made to take Ender into military training.

In Ender’s military training there are several different classes that he has to take, but that does not matter, all that matters are the games. Ender excels quickly, is put into advanced level training far younger than anyone before him. As officials see the advancement of his training go swimmingly they begin to propel their expectations that he is suppose to be the one to protect the earth from the expected third invasion against the buggers.

I couldn’t decide whether or not I liked the book until the end. It was an easy read, and entertaining enough which kept me going, but it was at the end at I was completely sold on the book and want to read the series. There were several different plot twists and the climax was remarkable. It ended on a small philosophical note that made me want to continue with Ender’s journey’s through the next books. 

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